Make video calls less tiring: Combat fatigue

Who thought “video call fatigue” would be ever relevant? COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown has completely changed the phase. From online classes for kids to video meeting for the office-goers is causing mental exhaustion which is linked with online video conferencing. Here is an article on how to make video calls less tiring.

Teachers are immensely engrossed in providing students with homework along with having an hour-long video call classes. Not only one but at least three to four of them in a day. Moreover, ignoring the fact that how mentally draining these lectures can be. A report suggested that the voice transmitted from internet in live sessions are unedited and can be crude to your ears.

In the context of Pandemic

I am sure you never must have felt exhausted from video calls. Although, every video call now-a-days is exhausting. Moreover, it’s not just exhausting but grief worthy as we are confined for an uncertain period of time. Continuous loss of lives is impacting your emotional experience. We are not really sure when things will fall back to normal which is indeed exhausting and poor emotional experience.

How can you make video calls less tiring buy ditching the fatigue?

  • Take care of your brain and body by skipping video calls which are not necessary. Drink enough water throughout the day and make sure not to work or study for more than six hours a day. Connect with your inner self during quarantine.
  • Phone calling instead of video call can be adopted if things can work that way.
  • If you are the one organizing video conference, make sure that you stick to the point and not to hit around the bush. Write down the points you need to cover. Hence, save yours and others energy.
  • Don’t force yourself for a video conference. If you are not in a mood to attend one, ditch it. Or else, try to wrap up your part as early as possible if it’s crucial.

To conclude, don’t let anything hamper your mental health and energy. Use these tips to make video call less tiring. Here I’ve listed strategies to cope-up with mental health during lockdown.


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