Coping up with mental health during quarantine

Outbreaks and quarantine can be stressful. While, the economy stoops down, everyone stays at home during lock-down and the increasing mortality rate can disturb the mental peace. During this we all need to realize that quarantining yourself at home is really crucial. And so is your mental health. Coping with mental health during quarantine is extremely necessary.

The uncertainty about the lock-down can be more terrifying. COVID-19 which has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organisation. As a result, many countries around the globe are on total lock-down. You must be feeling you don’t have control over the situation. Being at home and not risking someone’s other life is a major accomplishment. The stress caused by the infectious disease can lead to increase use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs, change in sleeping patters, difficulty in concentrating and a lot more.

The quarantine due to coronavirus can be the reason of fear, confusion, low mood, emotional exhaustion, irritability, insomnia, etc. If you find your loved ones going through this, you should talk to them.

Social distancing and hand washing play a very important role in preventing the novle coronavirus. Coping up with mental health during quarantine is equally important.

5 things you can do to cope up with mental health

1. Stay connected

Even if you are not in physical contact. Stay connected through your smart phones. Chat or video call your loved ones. Eat meals with your family, work-out by staying indoors with family.

2. Build a routine

Quarantine can mess up with your schedule. It’s necessary to build a routine during this time. Provide time to each activity. Be it work from home to playing with your kids to watching movies.

3. Learn a new skill

Do something which you always wanted to do. Give it a shot! Try out a new hobby like cooking, sketching or reading books. The sense of accomplishment will motivate you and will keep you happy. Do remember to put it down on a paper.

4. Meditation and Yoga

Mindfulness is a blessing. Meditation has been in our roots since quite long. The amount of peace yoga and meditation can bring is impeccable.

5. Binge watch your favourite shows

This is personally my favourite thing to do. The best way to pass time is by watching shows. It is a great resource to keep you engaged and happy.

To sum up, this definitely is a tough time for all of us. Coping up with mental health during quarantine is equally important. Optimism is the need of the hour. We will together pull through this outbreak.

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