Stay fit as you get older

No matter what your age is, its never too late to get fir. Life becomes more sedentary as you turn old. It is crucial to keep your body moving just like it’s important to drive car to keep it heated. Staying fit and exercising is important as it might just add extra years to your life. The immunity system also weakens as you get old. Hence, the body might be prone to diseases. Here are tips to stay fit as you get older.

1. Quit smoking to stay fit as you get older

Quitting smoking will have tons of positive effect on your health. It makes you age faster and smoking can be fatal.

2. Exercise

Body might not show the results instantly but it’s all adding up and will benefit you in some or the other way. Do yoga, walk, swimming or anything that intrigues you.

3. Focusing on short term goals

It can help you to stay motivated as achieving something makes you feel happy and the urge to continue it exists in long run.

4. Laugh and enjoy life to stay fit as you get older

Spend time with people you love and seize the opportunity to have a good laugh. It keeps you alive and health majorly depends on it.

5. Keep your intellect alive

Play games like sudoku or crosswords to keep your intelligence alive. Set a screen time for other activities and devote some time for brain storming activities.

These tips will help you to stay fit as you get older. To sum up, exercising regularly and enjoying every moment of life will add up. Also, you’ll be able to see the differences if you’re consistent enough. 


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