Are you underweight? Healthy tips to gain weight

While many people around you must be conscious about gaining weight, some are concerned and worried…

Nutritionists Suggest These Flourishing Meal for Breakfast

Breakfast is almost a skip-meal. In contrast, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.…

Back pain: What are the causes and risks?

The cut-throat competition in the current world is impeccable, this leads to several acute or maybe…

5 benefits that you can reap from walking

Walking daily is a great exercise which can offer various benefits. You do not need any…

Master plan to stay hydrated, follow these tips!

Your body comprises of 60% of water. The skin has 64% water. Water plays vital roles…

5 Simple Tips for Fitness Success

Simple Tips for Fitness Success1. Exercise DailyExercise every day for at least an hour. You do…

Exercise Enhances Alertness

If one wants to improve their brain development and alertness exercise is the best and effective…

Diabetes & Diet: 6 Foods That Control Blood Sugar

Diabetes is when your glucose or blood sugar levels are higher than normal. It’s carbohydrate foods…

Putting on weight during quarantine

Due to months of quarantine you must have put on weight. Cooking, eating and resting has…

Simple Tips for Physical Fitness

We are way past the age of 'Survival of the Fittest', but still fitness has many…

Stay fit as you get older

No matter what your age is, its never too late to get fir. Life becomes more…

Morning fitness routine for joyous day

The way you start your day highly depends on your actions. If you prefer hitting the…

Yoga: practice to boost immune system

The number of viruses borne near us in uncountable. While most of you still long for…

5 steps to Beat the heat this Summer

During summers the day are longer and lazier. People prefer staying indoors to save themselves from…