Morning fitness routine for joyous day

The way you start your day highly depends on your actions. If you prefer hitting the snooze button and return back to sleep, you’re just making it awfully bad for yourself. We all know the benefits of waking up early and practicing yoga, exercise or meditation. Although, making a step towards it seems like a task. Here’s a morning fitness routine curated just for you.

Habits take time to change to build into a lifestyle. The key is patience and consistency throughout for reaping the benefits. Exercising boosts your metabolism to fight against deadly diseases. People these days are more engaged in their smartphones which is deteriorating their health. It’s high time one needs to change this.

1. Stretching

Stretching is really crucial as performing a dynamic stretch before a physical activity can help to prepare your body for the activity. It also increases the range of motion and gives you much more freedom for movement. The other benefit of stretching is that it calms and releases stress from body and mind. Headaches also tend to decrease throughout the day.

2. Yoga

It might sound pretty old school and a hectic task to do but only two yoga asana in the morning can change your day completely. Easy seated twist, it opens up your spine, back, shoulder and chest. Hence, relieving back pain and fastening digestions. Cat-Cow pose, It stretches your back and neck. This pose is a must if you had a stiff night.

3. Plank as morning fitness routine

Doing plank might seem easy but doing it is equally difficult. The trend of plank would never be off. This one single exercise without investment other than your time has tremendous benefits. It increases your core strength. It’s also an exercise for your biceps, arms and thighs. The risk of back injury will gradually decrease. Boosted metabolism and improved posture comes along with it.

4. Jogging

It is necessary for a body to keep moving. We all miss this really important step before starting our day. It not only increases your stamina but also keeps you productive throughout the day.

5. Getting sunlight as morning fitness routine

While most of you prefer checking your smartphones as soon as you wake up. You must go out in open area and should get some sunlight. It boosts vitamin D in body and keeps the immune system happy and healthy.

To sum up, I believe that taking steps towards your morning fitness routine can gradually bring huge changes and will make your life better.

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