World Health Day 2020: good health, the need of the hour

 Global health awareness day or world health day is observed every year on April 7 with effect from 1950. This day comes under the sponsorship of World Health Organization. It has over 7000 people around the globe operating in 150 country offices lead by the headquarters in Geneva.

WHO deals with several stakeholders which are considered as a crucial element in decision making. It includes Ministry of Health and Government agencies. The World Health Organization has been actively participating in organizing International, regional and local events during World Health Day with a clear motive to generate awareness. Every year WHO comes up with new theme. This year they are specially focusing on the nurses and midwives to retrospect the critical role played by them in order to keep world healthy.

During this current outbreak of COVID-19 especially, the nurses have been leading the battle from the front by dedicating all they can, without considering their own health and families. Nurses have always worked gracefully, providing top notch treatment and care. The tagline for World Health Day 2020 is Support nurses and midwives.

On this World Health Day for the very first time WHO will release State of the World’s nursing report 2020. This report will include and depict a global picture of the nursing workforce. It will include the evidence-based planning to gauge the contribution of nurse to improve health and well being.

It is rightly said “He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.” The benefits of good health are numerous, this article will enlighten you with few important points which will surely motivate you to keep a good diet.

1. Fighting diseases

Good health and habits help big time in preventing and combating life-taking diseases such as high blood pressure, heart strokes and attacks. A good diet and healthy lifestyle will always act as a shield from fighting diseases as our immunity system will be strong enough.

2. Improves mood and preventing depression

We can’t deny the fact that most of us have very laid-back attitude which is the reason that anxiety, depression and panic attacks are quite common. Consuming healthy diet will lead to good physique and an individual will be more confident about the appearance. Reports show that physical activity increases the production of endorphins. Endorphins helps in making one relaxed and happy.

3.Controls Obesity

Regular exercise have resulted in boosting our immune system and energy. Physical activity is a must for controlling weight.

Self awareness is important to stay healthy. During the stress of work we often tend to neglect our health. All we need to do is to take a step towards adopting healthy lifestyle and our lives would be completely changed.

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