World earth day 2020 goes digital

Earth day is celebrated on April 22 of every year. This year’s earth day will mark 50 years. Earth day is celebrated to unify response to the environment crisis and how human beings are depleting nature. This started back in 1970, by Wisconsin’s senator. It was a huge success as 20 million Americans, which constitutes 10% of the USA’s population came down on streets in hundreds of cities to raise voice against environmental ignorance. This year world earth day 2020 goes digital.

The first earth day in 1970 brought major changes. It helped in creating environmental laws in the United states first later followed by many countries. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was born.

The theme for Earth Day 2020 is climate action. Climate change is the biggest challenge for the humanity in coming years. As, it is the only life-support system you have. It is the right time for all the citizens around the globe to fight the climatic changes causing crisis. It is expected that every country should join hands together to battle to make our lives better in future.

This day will be more than just a day to make a zero-carbon future. Due to current pandemic, Earth day has gone digital. You can also join their live even by accessing to their site. Check out the interactive map on Earth day Network site. It has various categories. The non-profit organization has also put together a 22-day challenge.

To sum up, World Earth day 2020 goes digital this year. Encourage your family and friends to join the live event and make the most out of this day.

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