Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: An Interview with Vinyasa

Vinyasa is a Lifestyle Coach. She helps people heal and grow through her workshops. Healthroom got to converse with Vinyasa to know more about her journey!  Read the full interview here:
Hey Vinyasa, and Welcome to Health Room!

1. What made you inclined towards being a lifestyle coach?

For many years I suffered from constipation, hot flushes, mood swings and when I delivered my baby my body pain and constipation was even worse ,I suffered because my lifestyle was completely unhealthy their was no right time to eat and sleep , showed to many doctors but dint find the right solution , finally got a opportunity to read Bhagavad Gita and Ayurveda, whatever I read I started implementing in my life and like magic things changed all my health problems, emotional problem slowly got solved , I started sharing knowledge to people around me and everyone slowly started recovering , one fine day while I was doing my meditation I strongly felt, guided by superior energy to become a Holistic lifestyle coach , I started studying deep , more I studied more I enjoyed , started creating YouTube videos to educate people, started giving consultations and programs , right now I am so much satisfied and happy in my life like never before , I love helping people heal and grow everyday through my programs, workshops and videos , I am completely immersed and in love with this lifestyle currently.

2. Who is your role model or someone you look up to as an inspiration?

Firstly lord Sri Krishna for teaching me how the body, mind and spirit works through Bhagavad Gita and secondly all my Gurus who taught me Bhagavad Gita, Ayurveda, Vedic astrology and also some amazing human I meet everyday offline and online who give selflessly, who spread love and joy wherever they go through their talks, association and videos.

3. For how long have you been a lifestyle coach?

I have been a lifestyle coach for past 1 year.

4. Any upcoming event that you are looking forward to participate in?

I am planning for a one day Beauty and health transformation workshop in Bangalore very soon.

5. What things from your daily life you’ll recommend others for a better lifestyle?

Always starting our day with gratitude exercise and Meditation and ending our day with the same The way we start and end our day sets up the productivity of our entire day and next day.

6. What are some values or principles that are really important to you?

Any work I do I look into the amount of service, knowledge, love I can share through my work Also I try to go deep and finish one work at a mastery level instead of taking multiple tasks at a time and that’s why I take only few clients at a time so that I can go deep , focus and give them my 100 percent.

7. To conclude this interview, would you like to share any message for the readers who are in same journey as you?

People ask me where did I study from, was it worth, wats the best place to study ? How much money can we make as a health coach or a lifestyle coach ?My answer is wherever you study it’s just for a certificate or a degree, millions of people study from best of the best colleges but only a few are successful why? Study doesn’t stop once you get a certificate or degree , your actual study starts after college, learn everyday about your field , go deep instead of wide , don’t try to copy other people on social media , if you want to be successful give your true potential, find out about your purpose your uniqueness and give that to people , practice on yourself before preaching others as a coach this is very important And one last important point is Don’t think of money, success, fame, followers and name in any profession if you are doing this than you are in wrong profession, your work should bring joy, depth and meaning in your life , when you take out the burden of money, fame and success you actually start to enjoy your profession, you become more happy , creative , you start serving people instead of gaining benefits from them and when you do this unlimited amount of money, Sucess and fame will flow from the supreme power as a byproduct of the amazing work you do

Vinyasa can be reached on Instagram at @vinyasa_hippla or through email at

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