Diet in Covid-19 Pandemic 

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the lives of millions of people across the country.

The pandemic has not only affected people financially but also in terms of their daily immunity and mental health. To be safe from such deadly diseases one needs to have a strong immunity which will only come from a proper balanced diet and exercise. Here are tips that you can incorporate into your diet to gain immunity against the Covid-19 pandemic : 

Eat Fresh Whole Foods       

Diet in covid-19

 Processed food has become a part of our everyday lives because it is easier to prepare and light on the wallet, but to develop a strong immunity, you should cut out processed food from your diet. Instead, include fruits, green leafy vegetables, lentils, beans, millets, maize, brown rice, wheat, eggs, meat, milk, and other fresh whole foods in your daily diet. Whole foods are rich in fibre, and vitamins which are essentially important to build up a balanced diet and to keep your body healthy whilst also following a bunch of exercises




Intake of Fluids

To keep the body’s engine running, we need to consume water, and especially during Covid-19 times when the body tends to get dehydrated due to various infections. Fluids are essential to transport the nutrients and compounds that are present in the blood. Also, water is essential for maintaining a perfect body temperature. Avoid excessive intake of soda, caffeine, and sweetened drinks. Instead, consume coconut water, fruit juices, vegetable juices, and lime water detoxifies your body.

Juice in covid-19

Limit Salt and Sugar

Although salty and sugary foods are known to make everyone happy because of the energy and the delicious taste they provide, excess of both is harmful to health. To have a clean diet it is important to keep the intake of sodium and sugar within particular limits. Instead of snacking on savory food, consider swapping them with fruits. Similarly, switching unsweetened fruit juices with cold drinks and sodas will be beneficial for health. 

Use Moderate Amount of Oil

Excessive consumption of oily food leads to life-long chronic diseases that might affect your immunity to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. Try to eat simple, home-cooked foods and swap out saturated fats like oils, butter, ghee, or lard with healthier unsaturated fats like fish, avocados, olive oil, sunflower oil, canola which are healthier alternatives for the body. For meat-eaters who wish to limit their fat consumption, they could swap out red meat for white meat that contains low amounts of fat compared to the former type of meat.

Avoid Eating Out 

Ordering food during the Covid-19 pandemic is what has kept most of the food lovers sane who cannot go out and splurge their money on mouth-watering dishes. To minimize coming in contact with people, and risking getting the virus, avoid eating out or ordering food. Instead, take to cooking and prepare freshly cooked meals, especially for children and older people who are more susceptible to the Covid-19 virus. Droplets from people who are infected with the Covid-19 virus may land on surfaces you may touch, which increases your exposure to the virus. 

We hope that you were able to find useful information in this blog post about how to eat healthy during the pandemic. If you have any other questions about Diet in the covid-19 pandemic, please contact us anytime. Thank you for reading, we are always excited when one of our posts is able to provide useful information on a topic like this!

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