Creating Healthier Lives with Nutritious Diet: An Interview with Foram

Foram is a practising nutritionist with 10 + years of experience in helping women dealing with weight loss issues and other lifestyle disorders. Healthroom got a chance to converse with Foram to know more about her journey!  Read the full interview here:

Hello Foram, and Welcome to Health Room! 


1. Hello! Tell us a bit about yourself?

I am a practising nutritionist with 10 + years of helping women with weight loss issues, be it PCOD Or post-pregnancy weight loss, thyroid or hormonal weight gain, brides to be, or lifestyle disorder weight gain, we help them all. I have a mission, a mission to help every woman who wants to stay fit, healthy, and eat good food. My aim is to help them work on themselves for their mental and physical wellness, for us, overall wellness is more important than the number over scale we take care of the nutritional need for weight loss, fat loss, and skin and hair care with mental health.
I run a virtual clinic under the name of Fmnutritionist formerly known as slimpossiblediet, you can follow us for healthy read and interesting nutritional facts.
Let's together make the world healthy and women fit and healthy too.


2. What is your inspiration behind becoming a nutritionist?

When I see people around me unhealthy fighting with lifestyle disorders and so busy with the hustle of life that their own health is on the toss. And my personal journey of being in PCOD reversing it, then conceiving my son, and again after delivery facing inflammatory PCOD, I am on my healthy living journey. I have faced it all so I know and can coach women facing the same issue and make other women inspired and informed so they take their health more seriously.

3. Please tell the readers why one needs a nutritionist for a better lifestyle?

Nutrition is like oxygen, it's equally important. A well-nourished person lives a better healthy and happy life. From your toe to your hair everything needs nutrition good, healthy, clean food I do not believe in restricted diets but you need to train your mind once a while you eat what you like is ok but 80% of times, you should eat good healthy food for nourished diseases free life.

4. What are your thoughts on FAD diets?

It's more dangerous than the polluted air you breathe, you are damaging your body, skin, and hair and losing importance to your Brian. A FAD diet has a yo-yo effect on your body. Your brain and mental health get affected. You feel more fatigued even if regular chores feel difficult, your skin pales you see dramatical hair fall and your energy levels go down, brain fog, anxiety, insomnia, anaemia, and the list is never-ending. I personally believe stay happily fat then damage body with these crash and fad diet.

5. What are the most important foods to avoid staying healthy in long run?

I strongly believe I'm non a restricted diet, the more you restricted a particular food group the kore tou crave it, it's like Physicolocal craving. So portion control ae satisfying your carving in portion is important. Generally, food like processed food, sugary food, and soda is not good for health.

6. What are some of the most common myths that you come across?

When you exercise, you can eat anything.
Women with PCOD can't lose weight
Women with PCOD can't get pregnant

7. Please tell us some things about your daily routine in order to stay healthy.

I wake up early, I practice oil pulling followed by light stretching, meditation, pranayam and I never ever miss my breakfast it's most important for me, it could be vegetable poha, mixed fruits with some seeds and nuts or vegetables paratha with some ghee. Then I practice journaling and start my work which I have pre-planned. I never skip meals and snacks. Having one portion of nuts and seeds and two fruits every day non of my neals are without vegetables, dal is on my plate too and Indian salads, sprouts, and legumes are important too.

8. To conclude this interview, what message do you have that you want to convey to the readers?

Never follow a crash diet, it damages your body to an extent you can't even think of. Follow a sustainable doable and healthy diet, before starting a diet ask your self will you be able to follow this routine for a long time? Will I enjoy this? If the is yes go ahead. You can reach out to us for any of your nutritional needs we would be happy to help you.

Foram can be reached on Instagram @nutritionistforam or through email at

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