Making People Smile is the Best Part of my Job – Dr Sonal Saumya

Dr. Sonal Saumya is a dentist based in Bangalore. She completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery from R.V. Dental College, in 2012 and then Diploma In Prosthodontics, Crown Bridge And Oral Implantology from the same institute. She is the Clinical Director of Celebrity Smiles, a multi-speciality dental clinic located at Whitefield in Bangalore. Dr. Sonal specialises in Complete Dentures, BPS Dentures, Crowns and Bridges and all other maxillofacial prosthesis. She is well known among her patients and colleagues for her professional and empathetic approach.  

Health Room got a chance to take her interview. Here are the excerpts from it.

“Hello Dr. Sonal, Welcome to health Room”

When did you think of becoming a doctor and what motivated you?

I aspired to become a Doctor from my childhood. Serving humanity was my Dream profession. My parents always motivated me to follow my dreams. I will always work hard to see a smile on my patients’ faces.

Why did you select this field of specialty?

Being a Dentist and relieving patient’s tooth pain which is considered as the most severe pain in the body gives me immense satisfaction when I see a smile on my patient’s face. My speciality as a Prosthodontist deals with replacement of missing tooth with a Denture or a Implant so that the quality of life of my patient’s improves and they can always remain healthy by maintaining a good set of teeth.

Who is/was your mentor or who do you look upon for inspiration?

My Parents were my first inspiration. It is because of their trust on me I could achieve my Dreams.

Share a unique case that you have come across?

A 80 years old female patient came to my clinic with all decayed tooth and complained of severe pain since 3-4 months and inability to chew food. So planned extraction was done and a new set of Complete Denture was given which relieved patients tooth pain and New teeth helped her to continue eating her regular meals which eventually improved her health.

Your way of handling emergencies and the workload?

We have a team of Doctors who are always dedicated to help people with any Emergencies

What are the key challenges of your department in India? 

Lack of Dental Awareness

How do you think you have evolved over these years?

With the advanced technology more treatment options can be given to the patients

What changes do you see in healthcare in your region since you started working?

A lot of changes are happening everyday. With time, people are getting more educated towards the healthcare sector as a whole

What do you think should be done to improve the condition of healthcare in your region?

People should be made more aware of how hard our Doctors are working towards the betterment of the society. So they should respect Doctors and have full faith on them.

What advice would you like to give to young medical students?

Dream bigger and Aim higher.

Contact Details:

Contact details of Dr Sonal Saumya: +91-9742806026 for appointments related to any dental problems. 

“Be true to your teeth and they won’t be false to you.” – Dr Sonal

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