How Does Yoga Benefit in Depression?


The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have brought their toll on the mental health of millions of people globally. India has gone through 2 complete lockdowns within a 14-15 month time span. Let’s not forget that several states are still under partial lockdown. A recent study found that depression & anxiety symptoms are reported 3 times higher than pre-Covid levels!

How has the Pandemic Contributed to Depression?

The lockdown has affected people’s ability to meet each other, and the restriction on social spots & travel has trapped individuals in restricted environments.

A dedicated research found that people over 50 felt more depressed during the lockdown owing to limited contact with their peers or family.

The pandemic has been a traumatic event for thousands of people who may have lost their family members, friends, colleagues, and dear ones. The same can be said for healthcare workers like doctors, nurses, hospital staff and pharmacists who have attended sick patients for several hours straight and dealt with countless traumatic deaths.

Why Yoga Can Heal Depression and Anxiety

Yoga is not practiced in India alone, today it is an important part of Western culture. It is a mind-body intervention and has various schools of practice. The Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, a noted non-profit spiritual organization, is recognized worldwide for bringing awareness to Yoga in the west.

A randomized controlled trial conducted in 2017 on 136 participants studied the effects of Yoga practices like Hatha, Anusara, Kirtan-Kriya, Iyengar, Kundalini, Bikram, and Vinyasa. The following effects were noticed:

  • Loosens muscles and associated pain
  • Reduces breathing and heart rate
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers cortisol levels, which manages depression and anxiety symptoms
  • Meditation and relaxation exercises soothe the mind and produce a calming effect.

Best Yoga Poses for Depression


Shishuasana ( Child’s pose)

Translated as “Child-pose” in English, Shishuasana works best for relaxing the nervous system, relieving constipation and lower back pain.


  1. Sit on your heels.
  2. Position hips parallel, on your heels.
  3. Bend forward and lower your forehead to the ground.
  4. Press your chest on your thighs.
  5. Hold the position for a few seconds.
  6. Slowly come back to the original position.

Setu Bandhasana

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Setu bandhana (Bridge-Lock-pose)

Translated as “Bridge-Lock-pose” in English, this pose strengthens your back, stretches chest & neck, relieves menstrual pain, and helps manage stress.


  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Fold knees and keep feet hip-distance apart.
  3. Knees and ankles should be in a straight line.
  4. Keep your arms beside your body.
  5. Gently inhale and lift your back off the floor.
  6. Roll your shoulders and touch your chest to your chin. Do not bring your chin down.
  7. Your shoulders, arms and feet will support your weight.
  8. Breathe calmly and hold for a few seconds.
  9. Gently release the pose.


Savasana (Corpse-pose)

Translated as “Corpse-pose” in English, Savasana is practiced at the end of a Yoga session. This pose brings a deep meditative state and will help in tissue repair. In addition, it relieves stress, reduces blood pressure, and helps in better sleep.


  1. Lie flat on your back.
  2. Keep your arms and legs comfortably apart and relaxed.
  3. Bring your awareness to each part of your body as legs, arms, torso, and chest.
  4. Breathe gently and let go of your body control.
  5. Stay in a relaxed state for 15 mins.
  6. After you feel healed, open your eyes, gently lift your body, take a few deep breaths, gain awareness of your surroundings and release the pose.

Yoga is a type of exercise that combines meditation, breathing exercises, and poses. Yoga is used to help the mind and body relax, reduce stress, and improve flexibility. Yoga is also known to increase energy, improve balance, and improve coordination. It is no surprise that yoga is used for many mental health conditions. We hope you enjoyed this blog post on how yoga benefits in depression.

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