How to Make Healthier Choices When Eating Out

Eating out is a popular pastime for many people. Whether it’s a quick lunch or a romantic dinner, eating out provides a break from cooking at home and offers an opportunity to socialize. However, it can be a challenge to make healthy choices when dining out, as many restaurant meals are high in calories, fat, and sodium. Fortunately, with a little planning and some simple strategies, you can make healthier choices when eating out without sacrificing taste or enjoyment.

Understanding Restaurant Menus

To make healthier choices when eating out, it’s important to understand how restaurant menus work. Restaurant menus often feature dishes that are high in calories, fat, and sodium, as these ingredients make food taste better and are often more appealing to customers. When choosing a meal, look for dishes that are labeled as “light” or “healthy” options, or that have a lower calorie count. Additionally, be aware of portion sizes – many restaurant meals are much larger than what you would typically eat at home.

Choose a restaurant with healthy options

Choosing a restaurant that offers healthy options can make it easier to stick to your healthy lifestyle goals when eating out. Look for restaurants that offer salads, grilled or baked options, and meals that are cooked with fresh ingredients. Avoid fast-food restaurants or those that specialize in fried foods.

Read the menu carefully

Before ordering, read the menu carefully and look for dishes that are lower in calories, fat, and sodium. Many restaurants now include nutritional information on their menus, which can help you make informed decisions about what to order. If nutritional information is not available, ask your server about the ingredients and how the meal is prepared.

Watch your portion sizes

Many restaurant meals are much larger than what you would typically eat at home. To avoid overeating, consider splitting a meal with a friend or taking half of the meal home for leftovers. You can also ask your server to bring a to-go box with your meal to help you portion your food appropriately.

Making Healthier Meal Choices

Choose lean protein options

Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, but some protein options are healthier than others. When eating out, look for lean protein options such as grilled chicken or fish, and avoid red meats and processed meats. Be wary of sauces and dressings, which can add extra calories and sodium to your meal.

Add more veggies to your meal

Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet, and many restaurants offer vegetable sides or salads. Consider adding a side of veggies to your meal, or ordering a salad as your main course. Be mindful of dressings and toppings, which can add extra calories and fat.

Choose healthier cooking methods

The way food is cooked can have a big impact on its nutritional value. When eating out, choose healthier cooking methods such as grilling, baking, or steaming. Avoid fried or breaded options, which are often higher in calories and fat.

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