What is Dengue and Why You Must Protect Yourself from it

Suggested by the Union Health Ministry, it is observed to create awareness about the disease. How to prevent and control the spread of dengue are some of the topics discussed and shared all over the coutry. On this day, there is an effort to increase public awareness about dengue, mobilize resources for its prevention and control and, to demonstrate India’s commitment in tackling the disease.

What is Dengue?

It a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Dengue is transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito with any one of the four dengue viruses. This particular mosquito bites during the daytime. Symptoms begin three to 14 days after infection. 


There is a sudden onset of fever, followed by severe headache, rash, pain behind the eyes, vomitting and muscle and joint pain. It takes about a week for recovery.  A small proportion of cases may show fatal disease as dengue shock syndrome. Early diagnosis is essential as that can lower the fatality rates below 1%. 

Dengue Cure

As such there is no specific antiviral medicines for dengue. However, adequate rest, plenty of fluids and an anagesic such as paracetamol are recommended. Medicines such as acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. aspirin) and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. Ibuprofen) should be strictly avoided.

Prevention and Control 

Spread through stagnant water

Water from coolers and other small containers should be removed once a week. In case the containers can’t be emptied, appropriate larvicides should be sprayed. Water filled containers should also be properly covered.

Arm yourself

Wear full clothes covering arms and legs. Spray aerosols during the day. Remember to use mosquito repellants, coils, vaporisers or mosquito nets while sleeping at night. Window screens are necessary too.

Dengue is spreadable

Patients who are already infected with the dengue virus can transmit the infection to others via Aedes mosquitoes during the first 4-5 days of onset of symptoms. Hence, the patient should be prevented from mosquito bites. This will prevent further spread.

Essential to notify

The Government of India has made the notification of dengue cases essential. All private hospitals and clinics and government health institutions are required to inform office of the district health authority of concerned district. It is mandatory for them to notify the suspected number of dengue cases reported at their institution every week.
Anti Dengue Day is a movement of patients, families, and organisations all over India marking a day for conversation, awareness and action against dengue. Only by coming together and joining efforts can we truly prevent dengue for our country’s citizens.

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