Drug Abuse & the Youth

The drug epidemic has been seeping into India and the country’s youth, more than anyone else, are dangerously into abusing drugs. These 15-24-year-olds make up as much as 0ne-fifth of the population who carry India’s future on their shoulders. The youth will eventually determine our densely populated country’s moral, political and social future. Hence, curbing drug abuse is an urgent need of the hour.

Why Do India’s Youth Take Drugs?

Peer Pressure & Curiosity:
Peer pressure and curiosity are the two major reasons youngsters turn to drugs. Children grow up and the parents’ influence diminishes. Teenage and young adulthood is the time when kids are easily influenced by peers. One major youth drug addiction study declares, “In India, the majority (of addicts) became hooked on drugs after friends introduced drugs to them.” The study goes on to report that an additional 35% of subjects interviewed became addicted after trying out drugs for fun and out of curiosity.Rewards Chosen Without Consideration For Consequences

Scientists at the University of Pittsburg discovered neuron activity in adolescent rats. When it was followed by research on adolescents and adults, they discovered the same finding — the electrode recordings of the adolescent brains reacted with far greater intensity to rewards than the adults did.

Boredom, Self-medication/ Escape

Adolescence and young adulthood are full of disappointments and frustrations. In the absence of a proper and healthy outlet to release stress, they turn to drugs as an answer. Loneliness also hits at this age, another reason to turn to drugs. And if adults around them are drinking and smoking, the attraction towards drugs multiplies.

Effects of Youth Drug Abuse

Young people who are into severe drug abuse face many problems like academic issues, physical and mental health problems, disturbed relationships, and worse, interaction with the juvenile justice system. This does not stop just here. The effects are often extended to their family members, their communities, and even the entire society.

Physical Effects

Physical effects of drug abuse among youth include accidental injuries, increased threats of suicide, homicide, illness, and disabilities. Also, drug-abusing teens are more susceptible to diseases like HIV/AIDS due to sexual contact with an infected person or sharing of unsterile injections.

Mental Health

The mental health issues that are linked to young people who abuse drugs are anxiety, depression, withdrawal symptoms, bipolar disorder, apathy, developmental issues, dementia, amnesia, and psychosis.

Legal Effects

Possession of illegal drugs is illegal in India. If a person is caught possessing, distributing, or selling substances, it can lead to a sentence in prison. Once a teenager’s prison records are created, their future life for them can be extremely difficult. A criminal record can lead to long-term legal issues like admission or readmission to schools and colleges, financial aid for studies, job opportunities, eligibility for public housing, joining the armed forces, etc.

Youth De-addiction Centres

Currently, in India, more youngsters discover themselves addicted to drugs than ever before. As a result, de-addiction centers are incorporating youth-specific programs into their centers. These youth rehabilitation opportunities can be very beneficial, and often make strides towards a future of total abstinence.

If you, a loved one, or any youngster in your neighborhood or among acquaintances is under the influence of drug abuse, don’t waste precious time. Discover a youth deaddiction center that could change you or your loved one’s life! Immediate help is the first and foremost stride towards India’s healthy future.

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