Mental Health Challenges Among the LGBTQIA+ Community

The LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual) community is composed of people who have a different sexual orientation or gender identity than most of the population. And gender and sexuality differences bring up a host of different questions that others may never face. Questions such as what and when does one reveal about oneself to others? How much to disclose and to whom? How to look for relationships? Where does one meet others like oneself? How do one access health, education, and employment? How does one seek support?

Lack of Support for LGBTQIA+ in India

This world is very discriminatory to the LGBTQIA+ community. Hence they are forced to live a life in the shadows. And when it comes to India, there are familial, social, and even legal prejudices that cause tremendous mental health problems to these individuals. They do not get any safety or protection except in the communities that they build for themselves. Even among the LGBTQIA+ community, it is the transgender people and bisexuals who have the most mental health issues and among the age groups, it is the youth that has the highest rate of mental health issues.

Why Do LGBTQIA+ Suffer from Mental Health Issues?

Individuals in the LGBTQIA+ community are more vulnerable to mental health issues because of negative stereotypes and are more likely to experience loneliness, shame, discomfort, discrimination, and traumatic events. Also, there’s a constant internal conflict going on between their internal reality and the outside world which gives rise to a lot of distress for them. People by nature do not accept anyone different from what is accepted as usual, so some become mean by pointing out differences, teasing, or bullying the LGBTQIA individual. Even the family rejects them, the workplace doesn’t want to deal with them, and the list goes on.

More on Social Bullying, Rejection, Discrimination

LGBTQIA+ individuals face rejection and bullying early on, often starting from home and school. They are constantly ridiculed for anything from how they might look, their likes and dislikes, how they walk or talk, etc. They are also denied proper access to education, employment, and social spaces. After that, they also have to face workplace discrimination, often subtle and indirect, which can keep them from fully exploring their capabilities. They are even denied basic rights such as medical care that has a direct impact on their quality of life.

Pride Can Help with Mental Health

Pride provides a healthy space for individuals in the LGBTQIA+ community to connect. It reduces loneliness and isolation, helps them feel seen and heard, and validated. It increases their sense of love and belonging. Pride is for global awareness while also celebrating the rich history of the LGBTQIA+ community. This sense of connectivity these individuals feel with their community helps them develop improved mental and physical health.

We all can support our Pride community individuals. Remember, identifying as LGBTQIA+ is not a mental illness or disorder. We all have a sexual orientation and a gender identity. Theirs are just different than ours but equally beautiful and acceptable. Let’s love everyone for how unique they are!

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