A key to good health and well being

Daily intake of a nutritional diet and regular physical activity are the key to overall good health and well being. These two factors also help in evading chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, mental illness and even cancer. A healthy weight can be achieved and maintained by healthy eating and exercising. If done regularly, they also lead to reduced stress and good, restful sleep.

What to eat?

A nutritious diet includes proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates in the right proportions. Sugar, packaged and processed food and deep-fried food items should be actively avoided. Home-cooked meals should be consumed on a daily basis, with ample servings of fruits and vegetables. Foods such as cheese (and cottage cheese), spinach, beans, legumes and mushrooms are excellent sources of proteins for vegetarians, while eggs, fresh chicken and meat are good for non-vegetarians. For healthy fats, one can have a handful of seeds and nuts. Clarified butter (ghee), coconut oil, olive oil and vegetable oil in small portions are good too.

According to Dr. Ashok Anand of Ganga Ram Hospital, these cooking oils should be alternated every few months for optimal benefit and to get essential fatty acids. In carbohydrates, wheat, rice, fruits and vegetables should be taken. Fruits and vegetables also provide the body with vitamins and minerals. The more variety of colorful foods, the wider the benefits.

What not to eat?

Sugar is the number one enemy of our body. Sugary savouries, Indian sweets, cakes and pastries, ice creams, should be all consumed in moderation and mindfully. Also, junk foods such as pizzas and burgers, cold drinks and packed juices, oil dripping Chinese foods as also deep-fried stuff should be consumed with caution.

Exercise, exercise, exercise

The role of physical activities in maintaining good health can't be stressed enough. The amount of physical activity is directly proportional to your goal. More physical activity, more the healthy outcome. If your goal is to reduce weight,30-45 minutes of gymming or dancing or cycling, along with quantified and healthy nutrition is paramount. More the physical activity, the more calories you burn. Also, reducing the number of calories you eat creates a 'calorie deficit' that results in weight loss. And if you want to maintain your weight and stay clear of diseases, you need to mindfully avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Daily brisk Nature walk, taking stairs instead of the lift, walking short distances, for example to the grocery store instead of taking out the car every time, are some effective ways you can stay healthy and active.

Diseases at bay

Physical activity and nutritious food reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The risks of high blood pressure, type -2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and different forms of cancer is reduced to a large extent. Along with these benefits, the risks of falls and osteoporosis, and of arthritis, pain and associated disability are also considerably reduced. Along with much better physical health, exercise along with a healthy diet leads to a calm mind, with a great reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety.

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